Because the rules state that executions by the state do not count as points, Chemical Ali was not scored, however after a debate by those involved in the league here is the ruling by the league comish (I am not the league comish but thanks for asking):
A few days ago a few of us discussed the contentious topic of why Chemical Ali was allowed to stay high in the default list in spite of a high probability of being disqualified since a death sentence was already announced by year-end (while other names such as Osama were skipped over later in the draft for reasons of non-verifiability of a kill). We could come to no satisfactory resolution, with the creator of the list rightly claiming the finite probability he could have died in a different way than being executed by the state. In order to alleviate somewhat the perceived injustice done to the Team with No Name, I've decided to (one time only) scratch Chemical Ali from their franchise players (as if he'd died last year) and mark Mitch Miller as the replacement franchise player. Hope everyone is in agreement.
So there you have it folks.
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